Find the best deals on flights & hotels.
Wego app provides a best-in-class search & booking experience — the user experience is fast and intuitive, you get to compare flights & hotel rates from a comprehensive list of airlines, hotel brands and travel agents — plus there’s a wide range of filtering & sorting options, so you find exactly what you’re looking for.

Get inspired, explore & plan trips like never before.
You can browse all possible destinations by popularity, weekend trips, visa requirements, cheap deals and themes — this is perfect if you feel like travelling but do not have a particular place in mind yet.
Popular Destinations
Discover top destinations that other Wego users are searching and booking.
Visa-free Countries
Easily check which countries are visa-free, visa-on arrival and ETA.
Weekend Getaways
Find the best last minute flight deals for this weekend, next weekend and the weekend after.
Hot Deals
Flights that are at least 20% cheaper than average in the recommended dates.

Access deals for over 3 million accommodation options worldwide.
Apartments, Vacation Homes & More.
Search all types of accommodation, not just hotels. Find villas, hostels, apart hotels, homestays, plus over a dozen other categories of lodging.
All User Reviews in One Place.
Aggregated hotel reviews from all the top sources, TrustYou, Booking.com, Foursquare, HolidayIQ and TripAdvisor in one app.
Full Price Upfront, No Hidden Fees.
Compare room prices with or without tax included. View room rates per night or in total for your entire stay.

Live chat with our customer support.
If you have any questions, or face any issues while using Wego app, get prompt and friendly customer service through our live chat feature.

Earn Cashback On Flights & Hotel Bookings
Earn cashback on all your purchases, whether it be flights, hotels, online shopping or dining at your favourite restaurant. (Currently available in UAE & Egypt)

Discover deals and discounts for restaurants, spas, tours & activities and many more in the Offers section of Wego app.

All the following user reviews were taken from Play Store & App Store.
Wego is one of the highest rated travel apps on IOS & Android.
100,000+ ratings on IOS
Wego app has been featured many times in the front page of IOS app store.

112,000+ ratings on Android
Wego has also been awarded Google Play Editor’s Choice award.